Make Your Choices Green - The Carbon Footprint of Every Case

Make Your Choices Green - The Carbon Footprint of Every Case

There’s a lot of talk on sustainability and the spotlight is on product-level emissions. It seems like every brand is shouting about how ‘green’ they are. But when it comes to authentic progress, actions speak louder than words.

At QDOS, we’ve already taken steps to reduce our carbon footprint by measuring our company emissions with our CO₂e Assessment Certification.

Now we know the bigger picture, it’s time to zoom in on the details. We’re moving towards tracking the environmental impact of individual products, starting with life cycle assessments (LCA) for our Global and Origine France Garantie (OFG) cases. It’s a crucial step in measuring our products’ carbon footprint to provide you with the transparency you deserve.

Every footprint matters

Why is it important to know the carbon footprint of a single phone case?

  • Little details give a big picture: By measuring the individual impact of a product, valuable insights can be discovered that will help adapt practices and improve sustainability on the whole.
  • Transparency builds trust: When brands share their environmental data, it can help let customers know they’re being transparent about their impact on the planet. This transparency helps build trust, letting consumers know companies are serious about reducing their footprint.
  • Sustainability Reporting: Many companies are starting to report product-level emissions as part of their sustainability efforts. This helps push the industry towards greater accountability and encourages others to consider how they can improve their eco practices.
  • Your choices matter: Access to this information helps you trust that the brands you support are making eco-friendly choices, reducing your carbon footprint. Supporting companies with environmentally considerate practices can encourage more sustainable industry standards.

A product's life cycle: what does it mean?

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an analysis of the environmental impact a product will have throughout all the stages of its life cycle, from when it’s made to when it degrades. This includes:

  • Sourcing materials: Assessing the impact of sourcing materials, such as mining or harvesting, and making sure these procedures are ethical and sustainable.
  • Manufacturing: Understanding the footprint of the factory through evaluating the manufacturing process, which involves taking into account the water use, energy use, and emissions that go into production.
  • Transporting: Measuring the environmental impact of transport. Taking into account the way businesses distribute their products.
  • Usage: Considering the energy consumption and any other factors that could influence the environment during a product's active life.
  • End of the line: Understanding the means of disposal—considering how the product can be recycled, the biodegradability of the item, and the effect this could have on the planet.

Why do people care about seeing environmental data on packaging?

Instant impact

Packaging is the first thing you see when you buy a product. It’s quick and simple for brands to show their commitment to sustainability. Displaying the carbon footprint data right on the package makes it more accessible for customers wanting to make an environmentally friendly choice.

Making eco-friendly choices easier

Consumers want to make ethical choices, but it’s not a given that they will have time to dig for information they need. When carbon data is on the packaging, it allows people to make sustainable choices faster. It’s a clear, convenient way to choose a product that aligns with your values.

Being transparent

When a brand puts its environmental impact on display, it shows transparency and helps to build confidence in the company. It communicates to consumers, "We’re doing the work, and here’s the evidence." This openness helps build trust and reassures shoppers that the brand is genuinely dedicated to the sustainability of their product, not just greenwashing.

Encouraging eco-conscious thoughts

Noticing eco symbols and carbon footprint information on a product makes the issue of climate change feel real and immediate. It's no longer an abstract issue, it's something you can help to address with your purchase. This simple visibility can inspire customers to make more sustainable decisions without overthinking them.

Reading between the lines

It’s so easy to get lost in all the data and technicalities, but the goal itself is clear: to strive for a better world through thoughtful products and practices.

We’re working towards a future where your purchases are made without worry for our planet. Knowing with confidence what your product choices mean for the wider world.

Join us on our journey

We can’t wait to keep you updated on our product-level carbon journey—it’s only just begun! We aim to redefine sustainability in the tech industry, one product at a time. Check out our Eco Promise and see what we are doing to help protect our planet.

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